peoples march

from the people against injustice in the society

Posts Tagged ‘may day’


Posted by ajadhind on April 30, 2009

The first May Day celebration in India was organised in Madras by the Labour Kisan Party of Hindustan on May 1, 1923. This was also the first time the red flag was used in India. The party leader Singaravelu Chettiar made arrangements to celebrate May Day in two places in 1923. One meeting was held at the beach opposite to the Madras High Court; the other meeting was held at the Triplicane beach. The Hindu newspaper, published from Madras reported,

The Labour Kisan party has introduced May Day celebrations in Chennai. Comrade Singaravelar presided over the meeting. A resolution was passed stating that the government should declare May Day as a holiday. The president of the party explained the non-violent principles of the party. There was a request for financial aid. It was emphasized that workers of the world must unite to achieve independence.

May Day is a nationwide bank holiday in India. The holiday is tied to labour movements for communist and socialist political parties. In Maharashtra and Gujarat, respectively, it is officially called Maharashtra Day and Gujarat Day, since it was on this day in 1960 that each attained statehood, after the division of the old Bombay State on linguistic lines.


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May Day joint declaration statement by: Maoist Communist Party of Italy, Maoist Communist Party of France, Maoist Communist Party of Turkey

Posted by ajadhind on April 25, 2009

1st of MAY 2009 :




 LET’S BUILD THE PARTY FOR THE SEIZURE OF THE POWER FOR THE PROLETARIANS !FOR A NEW SOCIETY, WITHOUT CRISIS, EXPLOITATION OPPRESSION AND POVERTY!The current capitalist crisis does not come from the heaven, it the logic of the system itself, it comes from the economic and political choices of the bourgeois (right or “left”) governments. In a class society like that in which we live the governments serve the bourgeois class and the interest of the bourgeoisie is to preserve the capitalism and its position of ruling class on the whole society.

Yet on the 1848 Marx and Engels wrote: “how does the bourgeoisie overcome the crisis? On one hand, by violently destroying a mass of productive forces, on the other one by winning new markets and more deeply exploiting the old ones” (manifesto of the Communist Party).

That is what we see today: responsible for the crisis, the capitalists unload the effects on the proletarians and the masses in the imperialist countries and the people in oppressed countries, intensifying the exploitation: sackings, protracting the work time, massively applying the precarious job etc. Indeed, the bourgeoisie uses the crisis of the capitalist system to restructure and “improve” it, for whose advantage? Of course, not for the people!In the framework of this restructuration on global scale and in order to maintain their domination, the bourgeois have to put in practice a form of modern fascism to impose their economic and political reforms and to safeguard their interests at national, European and international level.

Therefore they need to wipe out any opposition to their politics, to crush the struggles and the unavoidable uprising of the masses and their organizations, particularly the revolutionary, socialist and communist ones.

The modern fascism takes different form according the different countries but the bourgeoisie uses them to rally to its interests a part of the working class – the “aristocracy” and the nationalist part of it – and the petit bourgeoisie. In front of this, the reformist parties and the leaderships of the unions try to gain credit as reasonable opponents. The reality shows they are indeed docile “social partners”, ready to negotiate the sackings, to participate the reforms, to make the proletarian accept the sacrifices to set the capital in its feet again. When they have the power, they use a little of wax to smoothly apply their “left” reforms but, like their rightist partners, they always grant compensations to the owners. This conciliation with the bourgeoisie strengthens the owners and the modern fascism, on the contrary, we need so support the struggle against the sackings that the workers are developing in new forms, we need to protract the strikes more than one day.It is about revolution that we speak when we speak about a solution of the crisis! If we do not overthrow and substitute the capitalist system with the socialism toward the communism our conditions of life will never change!”The weapons the bourgeois used to overthrow the feudalism today turn against themselves.

Not only had they forged the weapons that will kill them: they also made the men who will use those weapons – the modern workers, the proletarians”The workers’ and people’s struggles develop throughout the Europe: in France, Germany, Italy as well as in the eastern countries – Poland, Romania, and Russia; and in the world: in Latin America, China, Asia and Africa. The people in Guadalupe, Martinique, Reunion, Palestine, resist. The people’s wars are developed or prepared, led by the communist parties of new type (Maoist).

In India the people’s war reaches states in which a number of hundreds millions people live, it advances in South Asia where new communist parties are constituted in Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, it goes on in Peru, it grows in Turkey, it develops in Philippines. In Nepal ten years of people’s war and the mass political struggle led the Maoists to develop the complex stage of the new-democratic revolution.We must support all those struggles attacking the capitalist-imperial ist system with the perspective to substitute it with a system that will abolish the poverty, the oppression and the exploitation! The revolution will not come by itself; we need to build the necessary tools to develop it!We need communist parties of new type (Maoist) to seize the power for the proletarians, to put an end to the exploitation and oppression that restrain the harmonious development of the humanity as a whole. In the country where the people’s war is the embryonic stage, we have to strengthen it. It is the matter for the proletarians, for all those fight in the different front of struggle and seek the way to overturn the system. The development of a real united front of the people must be boosted by the vanguard proletarians opposing the reformist and opportunist parties, the conciliating politics and the leaderships of the unions. Therefore our main tasks are:To build the Party in the fire of the class struggle and closely linked with the massesTo intervene on the base of the concrete analysis of the concrete situation in order to get united with the vanguard proletarians and the and the mass movementsTo build and coordinate the base organization for a class unionTo establish ourselves amongst the youth in the banlieues to build the revolutionary organization of the youthTo bring support and leadership to struggles of the student, the migrants the squatters, etc.To struggle against the repression, developing campaigns and a mass proletarian Red Relief.At international level to support all the anti-imperialist struggles and the people’s wars.To give our contribution to the new unity of the communist parties on the basis of the proletarian internationalism and establishing the Marxism-Leninism- Maoism as the only path of the revolutionMaoist Communist Party of Italy

Posted in FRANCE, ITALY, TURKEY | Tagged: | 2 Comments »