peoples march

from the people against injustice in the society

Communist Party of India (Maoist) Central Committee Press Release

Posted by ajadhind on May 9, 2011


Press Release
May 1, 2011

Condemn the arrests of CC members of CPI (Maoist) Comrades V. Subramanyam (Vimal/Shrikant), Vijay Kumar Arya (Jaspal ji), Punendu Shekhar Mukherjee  (Saheb da) and others by central intelligence agencies and APSIB!

Demand to produce all arrested comrades before the court immediately!

The central intelligence agencies and the notorious APSIB goons arrested our three CC comrades—V. Subramanyam, Vijay Kumar Arya, Punendu Shekhar Mukherjee along with some other comrades and sympathizers in Katihar district of Bihar on precise information. In fact, comrade Subramanyam has been under surveillance by APSIB since so many months. They had even planned to assassinate him. But because of exposure of their conspiracy before the people, they couldn’t kill him. The licensed killers of APSIB and other Indian intelligence wings trained by CIA and Mossad have been targeting the leaders of Indian Revolution as part of their ‘War on People’ for a long time. Beloved leaders of Indian people like Azad, Patel Sudhakar, Shakhamuri Apparao, Prasad and BK were killed by these killers by the orders of Sonia-Manmohan-Chidambaram ruling clique, hand in glove with their imperialist masters. Some other leaders and activists were arrested and put in dungeons of  various jails.
The Indian ruling classes on the one hand have been selling out the nation to MNCs and Big Business signing hundreds of MoUs with them, on the other hand they have been trying to crush the revolutionary movement so as to make sure that no resistance is put up against their anti-people and pro-imperialist policies. As our Party is in the forefront of mass struggles against this corrupt, oppressive and exploitative system, Indian ruling classes are using every repressive tool at their disposal so as to leave Indian masses leaderless.
CC, CPI(Maoist) condemns the illegal arrests and mental and physical torture subjected to these comrades. We call upon the workers, peasants, students, intellectuals and all oppressed sections of our country to condemn the unjust war of ruling classes against people and come forward to advance the Indian New Democratic Revolution wiping out feudalism, comprador bureaucratic bourgeoisie and imperialism.

Central Committee,
CPI (Maoist)

4 Responses to “Communist Party of India (Maoist) Central Committee Press Release”

  1. Dhrohi said

    All Indian should know and appriciate that the communism is suitable for India and for her citizen, as India is a multicultural democracy, defferent people has diffeent custom and rites, tradition, social background, and beleifs etc. To be united all citizen, to bring them in one national mainstream, Economics inequality should be removed, economics inequality is the main reoot for the reasion of human division. Corruptions has been over limit, law and order and justice in the hand of powerfull person, black money making them more powerfull, grassroot people has been plundering day by day, law and order just like a hide and seek game of those criminal, there are several political issue in every regional, ethnicism and racicism mentality growing up day by day. Hence, I would like to give message to all viewer that whatever other administrative system just like a pain killer medicine but not for permanent cure, only the Communism is suitable for India.

  2. Dhrohi said

    Dear comrade,
    I am from Darjeeling, would like to join and support this great movement, specially in Darjeeling area, as you know Gorkhaland demand is our self determination, and it is the matter of national identity too, please support us, because several political party and leaders have been deiciving to the hill innocent people, I think only the coomunist revolution can make us reach to the target, I want to raise voice of gorkhaland with socialism principle under the banner of communist.

  3. dhrohi said

    Dear Comrade,

    Police, law and justice always in the hand of chiar person , Police-law always knell down before the powerfull capatalist, so we should strugle with our high attitude, definately we will win.

  4. dhrohi said

    Hey Tea Garden owner dont’t be treat to Tea Garden labors as dogs, while it get old age, kick out from the home, or kill that, Tea garden is just a profit play ground for you all, you play untill geting profit form the garden, while it will become matter of little lost you leave it. Actully Tea gardens are main root for the Economic condition of the Darjeeling Distt. The people of the Tea gardens are agressive and motivated for any revolution, but there is not seems a right political party or leader till date, the sacrifices of the innocent people always has been wasted.Heare the aspiration of people always has been thrown into the dust bin, So tea garden owners knows the weakness of the local leaders so they always won the battle against the labors. We need strong revolutionary organization wihich organization respect the people aspiration, that never miss way, never left issue for the wanting of money and chair.Really Tea Garden business is profitable business, yet owner always shows the lost, I all tea garden should be nationalized for the betterment of labors and Government .

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